About Us

Family Association

The association that coordinates communications, events, and relationships between home and school in any independent school provides an essential service to the school leadership and the school community. Every adult family member is automatically a member of the Harborlight Family Association (HFA).

HFA organizes family-friendly events, supports the School events calendar, provides classroom level support for students and parents, welcomes new families, and informs parents about the School’s unique philosophy and programs. Volunteerism is an integral part of building a successful school community and we welcome you to become involved in a variety of ways.

Annual events that are organized by our Family Association and volunteers include the Back-to-School Popsicle Party Social, Fall Festival, Curriculum Spotlights, Cultural Festival, Teacher Appreciation Week, and a Spring Community Building/FUNdraising event.

Each classroom is also represented by a class parent or a team of class parents.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


Upcoming Family Association Events

List of 4 events.

Ways to Get Involved

List of 4 items.

  • Classroom Volunteers

    Classroom Volunteers create, strengthen, and support the connections between and among students and adults in our community. Each classroom has a 1-2 representative volunteers who help the teachers coordinate classroom activities and foster a warm welcome to all family events as Harborlight ambassadors.

    Want to be a Classroom Volunteer? Please contact your child's classroom teachers or program director to volunteer.
  • Fall Family Festival

    This event is exciting and looking to put together a committee for the new year. Want to plan and join the fun?

    Contact HFA@harborlight.net today!
  • Cultural Fair

    Consider creating a "House" for Cultural Fair. Each classroom at Harborlight transforms into a Cultural Learning House where visitors can explore music, food, holidays, customs.

    To get involved, contact Elisa Pitkin - Cultural Fair Chair epitkin@harborlight.net
  • Parents for Sustainability

    One of our goals is to effect lasting change by challenging our students to be thoughtful stewards of our planet. We are continually inspired by our thoughtful parent community to consider new approaches that can make a genuine positive impact on our campus and community. The Green Team is a committee of students, parents, and faculty. Together they promote green practices and select programs and activities toward understanding sustainability.

Great Gatherings

We are excited to bring back Great Gatherings! To host/sponsor an event, contact the Family Association or your student's program director today.

These Gatherings focus on a shared activity hosted and paid for by volunteering Harborlight families. Great Gatherings are designed to bring people together who share similar interests, want to learn something new, or just want to have fun with their kids and friends. It is also a good way to meet someone new to the community and make a new friend!

When this year’s Gatherings are listed, simply sign up and donate the designated funds*, attend and enjoy! Once registered for an event, you will receive an email from the host with details and confirmation. All money raised will support faculty professional development. This money allows teachers to offset the cost of furthering their education. When teachers learn more, children directly benefit and their experience in the classroom is that much more unique.

This is the best way to get to know your Harborlight community. Contact HFA@harborlight.net

Curriculum Spotlights

Ever wonder what the Montessori works are and how they help your child learn and develop? The Curriculum Spotlights are short teacher presentations going over Montessori works and teaching concepts.

About Harborlight

Harborlight Montessori is a non-profit, independent, day school for students infant through grade 8 that is committed to innovative teaching and learning.